Saturday, November 12, 2011

A day late and a dollar short and a heartfelt THANK YOU!

Yesterday morning I woke up and remembered to count my blessings.  Not only did I have a roof over my head, coffee in my pot, toast in my toaster and warm (hand knit) socks, but I had the 3 F's:

Faith, Family and Freedom!

I practiced my faith by saying a prayer of thanks for my family and freedom and decided to get dressed and go to town and pay homage to those who secured our freedom for the Veteran's Day Parade!

My adopted home town is small in stature and population, 2.7 square miles and only 15,000 people, but we take our parades seriously!

ALL the county high school marching bands participate...

Scout troups and other organizations take time to march and honor our veterans:

Did I ever tell you that Butler is the REAL home of the Jeep?  Yes, the Jeep was invented here!

Of course, no local parade would be complete with the Shriners in their funny cars!

They are so funny, doing figure 8's.  I love to hear the kids squeal when it looks like they will crash into each other.

Here comes the county treasurer!

Usually the guy who walks behind these horses with a snow shovel and a garbage can gets a lot of applause,  this year was no exception!

The kids standing next to me were so impressed with these guys.  They had real swords!

Don't know who this guy is, but he sure wins hands down for the best sweater:


Don't you just love parades?  I do!

Hey, even though Veteran's Day is gone, it's never too late to say thanks when you have a chance.

God Bless America!

Love you guys,

1 comment:

Kerin said...

How AWESOME to have a parade in honor of Veteren's Day!

Loved reading about your 'home town' too.

You live in a town that is 15 times larger than the town that we live in.

I'm so glad that you were able to go to the parade and enjoy the day!

And yes.... that guy does have an awesome sweater!