Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!
Every Father's Day I post a picture of my late father, a copy of his memorial service and miss him like crazy.  I still do.  Today, as with any Fathers Day, I have such bitter sweet memories.  He was the greatest.  I really miss him.

This year, I thought I'd shake things up a bit.  Instead of reminding you of what a great guy my father was, I thought I'd show you what a great dad my kids have.

From the second second he became a father (the first second he was still in shock) until today, he's been there, a hands on dad, and I'm so proud to call him my partner.  Here's a few photos of him in his starring role, Andy and Tony's Dad:

He's loved, appreciated and well respected by his family...most of the time.

Mark, before we were married your mom told me she thought you'd make a wonderful father.  I'm sure Andy and Tony would agree.  We love you.  Happy Father's Day!

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