I've been blogging, journaling, note keeping, calendar marking and talking to myself for about six months now. In keeping with my OCD personality, if I could not blog perfectly, I refused to keep a blog. I missed the opportunity to share many experiences, accomplishments and observations.
I don't do resolutions. This year, I made a mental list of those things I'd like to do. This far, January 14, I have broken every one, so it's a bust...so my INTENTION is to blog once a week...
If you don't hear from me by next Sunday, make noise...I'll hear you!
Now, what you have missed since July 5, 2006, the last time I posted any personal news on my old blog, One Red Sock:
Andy started his new job at Castcon Stone, Tony worked all summer at improving his golf game and working at the country club. I knit socks...
Mark and his father (Dave) went to Geneva, NY, for their third annual 'farewell tour.' They also made a side trip to have breakfast with our dear friends, Patricia and Sandro, who own Riverqueen Housboats in Ivy Lea, Ontario.
At the same time, I attended an 80th birthday party for my uncle Tony. More than 100 of his friends and relatives came. He promised to come to my 80th...
At the end of August, we celebrated Tony's 18th birthday...

September also saw Tony going back to school for his senior year. In October, we all got together at our home to celebrate my mother's 75th birthday. It was the first time we were all in one place since Christmas!

(Tony even got to point out the stadiums from Mt. Washington)!
Christmas came all too soon. The boys are men now and the threat of coal in their stockings was not enough for them to pretend, for mom, that they still believed in Santa.
We all got together at my mother's again. This year was just as much fun as last...As usual, the stockings were hung, and filled...and once again, we did the family picture. As usual, some of us didn't quite get with the program (I'm not naming names!). Sadly, on December 26, my Father-in-law lost his long term battle with cancer. Like my Mother-in-law, he generously donated his body to science. We held a beautiful memorial service on January 6. Each of the 14 grandchildren and his great-grandchild placed a yellow rose in a vase on the alter. Mark P, my brother-in-law, Lauren, his daughter, and I spoke and Pastor Tim said the most wonderful words to share with us. It was an honor. Dad will be missed by his family and many friends.
Mark, Andy, Kailyn and her parents managed to stay awake until midnight on New Year's Eve...a first for Mark!
And here we are...almost to today. I'd like to share what I said at Pap Dave's memorial, but it's all too new for me to share yet. I think he'd be proud.
Now...in closing, my knitting tally for 2006 was:
- 3 Irish hiking scarves
- 4 hats
- 18 pair socks
- 2 pair clogs
- 2 clapotis
- 1 shawl
- 30 dishcloths
- 2 doll sweaters
It's been a very good year!
What can I say other than I love you, sis?! We need to do some serious catching up and if the weather ever decides what it wants to do, have a LOOOOOONG lunch. Hope you know I think of you every day.
Hi Jan,
A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to you.
Greetings and thanks for leaving the comment on my blog. I make dolls too. I own the Art doll makers web ring if your inrested join up. In tap this past Saturday we almost sounded like real tapppers, it was really cool.
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