Monday, May 06, 2013

Running a what?

As all y'all know, Sunday the toned, trained and terrific athletes flocked to Pittsburgh to run the Pittsburgh marathon.

The very special got to run on Saturday.  That's when they held the children's marathon:  1.5 miles, from the North Shore, across the Sixth Street Bridge, through town.  

For security, to encourage family physical activity, to add to the masses, each child running had to be accompanied by an adult wearing a matching bib.

I was asked to accompany Tyler and Ryan, Morgan's step brothers.  

I ran steady, cherishing the cow bells, cheering, whistles and shouts ( something I don't usually have when I run on local city streets).  Ty and Ry sprinted, lagged, walked, skipped and jogged but somehow we all crossed the finish line together.

All kids finishing got medals.  They wore them with pride!  

What fun!

Here's Team Jan:


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