Tuesday, December 26, 2017

'Twas the day OF Christmas!

Twas the day of Christmas when all through the house...

Creatures were stirring, even my spouse!

What?  Mr K stirring?

Seriously, the thought is too funny...this is the man who thinks breathing should be considered an Olympic event!

I was reading when I heard this strange noise.

I ran to the windows facing the front of the house...

Looked out the window and this is what I saw...

Yes, THIS!

I was shocked.  Yes, he did buy this snow blower a few weeks ago
but I never thought he would USE it...
I ducked so he wouldn't know I was photographing him...
That's when I did 'something' to his bathroom window and it came crashing down...
I wasn't going to tell him I saw him...
but it's 25° out there...he's going to figure it out!
Hope your day was this much  fun!




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