Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Republican Hair and Living Room Picnic

This is how I woke up today...

Good grief, I have Trump Hair again!

Guess I'd better call for a hair appointment!

On a brighter note, yesterday Teagan and Locklan came to spend the afternoon
while Mommy and Daddy worked...

Before he left, Andy put Teagan in a portable high chair and sat her on the dining room table.

She loved it!

After he had his lunch, Locklan decided to open his restaurant again.
He loves to play restaurant, complete with a cash register and play money...

When Teagan got into his play food, he decided she could be a restaurant worker...

Personally, I would have fired her, but Locklan has incredible patience with her.

Later, we sat on the living room floor...

And we had a picnic!

Teagan doesn't crawl yet...

But she scoots backwards.

Usually under the furniture!


I loved every minute of it...

AND was in bed by 8:00

I love being a grandma!

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