Monday, June 03, 2019

Still crazy after all these years...

To  all the Paul Simon fans out there...
Yes, still crazy after all these years...
But DID NOT meet my old lover in the street last night...
And DID NOT have any beers...
Just still crazy!

I have quite a few blog posts started here on Blogger.

I get interrupted each time and by time I get back to it,
even though you don't know any of it, it's old news to me...

So I start a new one!

Instead of working on one of those,
How about I just tell you about May, 2019?

It was a good month!

I spent quite a bit of time doing this:

No, not sitting on the floor, watching all three g'kids at once.
It wasn't bad, in fact, it was fun!

Locklan always came to spend Thursday nights here...
Tony would drop Henry off on his way to work.

Locklan loved to read stories to Henry!

And Henry also loves to eat!

At one point, during a family evening, I set my phone down...

I'll never learn!
You can't imagine how many stupid photos of these 
two I have...

I took Locklan and Teagan to the playground. 
Not sure who had a better time.  Teagan was content just to walk around...
Locklan found three boys to run around the playground with him.

Locklan had his last day of pre-school...

I knew they taught him so many things, but when he was in the back seat of my car he was singing, "These are the continents of the world..."

And lastly...

We opened camp!

We got the boat in the water
(did I tell you we had to get a bigger, faster boat last fall?  Our family just keeps growing)

Henry had his first boat ride...

I'll show you next time...

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