Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!

Whew!  How long has it been?

Was I really MIA since December 20?  How could that be?

We did go to the party at Mark's nephew's house and had a good time...

Considering we had kids...lots of kids!

We had 7 kids with Locklan being the oldest of them...

Yes, 7 kids under 5 and one 8 year old.

I felt grouchy and couldn't wait to go home!

I had a schedule so that all my chores and Christmas duties could be completed 
at a pace that was not too demanding.

Saturday, I felt worn out but agreed to have my little buddy spend the night.

We blew up the air mattress and slept under the Christmas tree...

On Sunday, Andy came to reinforce the gate connection to keep Teagan and the dogs from running up the stairs.

Of course, Locklan helped...

Andy is so patient with him!

I was feeling like I had been dragged through the mud so I fell slightly behind on my schedule...

Monday, I woke to find Andy and the kids, the cleaning people and Ron all needing my attention.

I went back to bed and slept 16 hours!

On Christmas eve, I was up before the chickens
and managed to have everything done by time my 
family arrived at 5.

We had 14 people here for dinner.

The only person missing was my oldest grandson, who turned 27
that week.

It was amazing, and no, I don't have a plethora of photos.

I was too busy loving it.

More later, but before I go, here's a picture of Henry, who is quite a character...

Too cute, right?

I'm off to get ready for breakfast with friends!

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