Thursday, January 09, 2020

The World According To Locklan

Every Monday and Wednesday
Andy takes Locklan to pre-school,
Drops Teagan off at my house and heads to work.

A few hours later, I load Teagan in the car
and go to fetch Locklan.

Teagan usually falls asleep before we get to the school
so Locklan and I have time to chat.

Occasionally, we'll take the long way home so she can sleep longer.

Occasionally, we'll detour through the drive-through window at McDonalds
for coffee for me and fries for him.

Yesterday, we did that.

Locklan is sitting in his car seat munching on his fries.

Suddenly he asked if there were mashed potatoes 
inside of French fries.

I explained that both were made from potatoes.

He then said he can't eat the fries because he hates mashed potatoes.

That was that!

We started talking about lunch.

I suggested macaroni and cheese.

He said he can't eat that.

He explained he could only eat the good kind that his mother makes in a pot,
not the bad kind I make in the microwave.

Go figure!

I bought this police station/fire house off of Facebook last week.

It's so cute!

The kids played with it all afternoon.

It folds up with all the furniture and vehicles inside.

AAAAAAnd before we knew it,
Andy came to get them.

Teagan gathered up her baby and purse

And I needed a nap!

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