Monday, March 23, 2020

Why I Hate Tuesdays...

Last time I talked to you, we had Tuesday faucet woes...

The plumber was late.

So were the cleaning crew.

The plumber was leaving as the cleaners were pulling in.

I was a happy camper to be sure.  

A good Tuesday.

The following Tuesday, mom called.

John, a dear friend for 63 years, a classmate and Mom's neighbor died.

Beginning to dislike Tuesdays.

The following Tuesday, I had just gotten into bed when Mom called.

She was in severe pain and vomiting profusely.

I'm an hour away! I told her to call 911 and I'd meet her at the hospital.

Diagnosis:  Intestinal blockage.  Possibly in need of surgery.
(in a few days it resolved itself)

Tuesdays suck!

The very next Tuesday, Ashley (my DIL), who has a history of back surgeries,
couldn't get out of her car, she was in that much pain!

She ended up in the hospital for a few days.
She's doing better now!

See why I hate Tuesdays?

I think last Tuesday was crazy, but I need to get some things done before Mr. K wakes up.

I promise I'll tell you tomorrow.

Since this entire post was whining, why don't I share a little cuteness?

Talk soon!

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